Our Services
Unlock the Power of Strategic and Sustainable Investments
Transform your investment portfolio with opportunities that align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Leverage our vast network of local and global connections built over years to achieve impactful returns.values.
Tailored Investment Solutions Guided by the SDG Impact Standard
We provide bespoke investment solutions that adhere to the rigorous criteria of the SDG Impact Standard. Each connection we facilitate is meticulously matched to ensure alignment with your investment goals and sustainability
Green C-Suite Leadership Training
We establish a training program aimed at transforming C-Suite leadership by incorporating sustainability into their decision-making processes. We offer workshops, coaching, and resources to empower leaders to drive their organizations towards sustainable and purpose-driven practices.
Consciousness Coaching for Business Leaders
We develop a coaching and training program focused on raising the consciousness of business leaders. We help them understand the interconnectedness of their decisions with environmental, social, and economic factors, fostering a mindset shift towards holistic sustainability. We provide workshops and training sessions for C-Suite leaders and Chief Sustainability Officers (CSOs) to enhance their understanding of conscious business practices.
ESG Integration Platform
We assist companies in integrating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles into their business strategies. The platform could provide tools for C-Suite leadership transformation, materiality assessments, and resource efficiency action plans.
SDG-Aligned Financial Advisory Services
We launch a financial advisory firm specializing in guiding businesses through the transition from financial risk management to sustainability and impact. We offer services that help companies align their financial strategies with SDG goals, supporting the shift from reporting to decision-making.
SDG-Aligned Startups Incubator
We create an incubator program for startups that align with the SDGs. Provide mentorship, resources, and funding for startups aiming to make a positive impact on the environment, society, and economy.
Net Zero Technology Solutions
We find startups that specializes in providing technology solutions to help companies achieve Net Zero emissions. This could include innovative carbon offsetting technologies, energy-efficient solutions, and sustainable practices. SDG Navigator can assist in the evaluation and impact assessment of these solutions.